This year, a groundswell of community members are coming together to nourish a culture of belonging in Barrington & beyond. Will you join us?


Barrington, Illinois & beyond!


Sept 2022 - May 2023

  • Launch Event: Sept 14, 2022. VIDEO.

  • Virtual Meetup: Sept 27, 7pm. RSVP.

  • Virtual Meetup: Nov 15, 7pm. RSVP.

  • IRL Meetup: Jan 20, 6-8pm. RSVP.

Why Belonging?

Belonging is a fundamental human need at the heart of building community. When we forget that we belong to each other, that’s when tears in our social fabric and civic trust can pull us apart. The pandemic challenged our life together, but we are choosing another way — to nourish a community of care and compassion, where everyone has inherent worth & dignity.

Who Can Participate? How Can I Get Involved?

This is for everyone! All are invited to explore this theme of belonging wherever you gather — in teams, clubs, meetings, classrooms, offices, libraries, theaters, houses of worship, parks & playgrounds, gyms & playing fields, studios & galleries, shops & restaurants, fairs & festivals, conferences & celebrations.

For individuals — You can do something as small as starting a conversation around a table! Or posting a question on your wall? Share a story. Write a poem. Sing a song. Take a picture. Send a thank you. Reach across an aisle. Say hello to a stranger.

For groups — Can you weave this theme into an event or activation? A display or exhibit? All modes of expression welcome! Athletics, art, dance, music, theater, poetry, fashion, design, food, storytelling, video, photography, dialogue, spoken word, events, experiences, social media.

We can’t wait to see the creative ways you plant seeds and build bridges within your spheres of influence!

How does this work?

This isn’t a traditional campaign with a submission process or director calling the shots! This is a constellation of stars twinkling at different times & places throughout the year. How bright our collective light will shine depends on each of us creating small sparks in our corners of the community! How can you add your light?

Belonging is a human emotional need for connection and acceptence. Whether in our families or our communities, humans possess an inherent desire to be part of something greater than ourselves. This desire for belonging is so universal that it is found across all cultures and people.

The opposite of belonging can look like othering, social isolation, exclusion, discrimination, tribalism, or sectarianism. When left unchecked, these can be corrosive to our mental & physical health, as well as our public life.

What do you mean by belonging?

I want to start a conversation about belonging. Where do I begin?

A great way to start is by asking questions:

  • What does belonging mean to you? 

  • Why does belonging matter to you?

  • When do you feel like you belong?

  • What are some ways to extend a sense of belonging?

Fill-in-the blank prompts:

  • I feel like I belong when ___________.

  • I feel my most true, authentic self when ________.

  • I want everyone to feel ___________.

  • I will nourish a culture of belonging by ______________________________.

Action Pro-Tips:

Use What You Have — You need not spend a fortune or create an “extra” program for this initiative! Is there a way you can integrate the theme of belonging into something you are already doing this year?

Lean Into Listening — One of the best ways you can contribute to a culture of belonging is to simply practice active, generous listening! Give yourself & others the gift of being present with your full attention, asking thoughtful questions and really hearing responses. Affirm what you have heard, toss out a curious follow-up, suspend judgment, and seek to truly understand, not to fix, solve, doubt or debate. A kind, patient ear can be truly transformative.

Hold Stories As Sacred — The world is already overloaded with opinions. What we need is more stories — especially the awkward, brave & vulnerable kind! The more vulnerability you can bring to sharing your own truth, the more you give permission to others to be open & honest, too. To earn (and keep) trust, honor confidences, respect boundaries, and ask permission before sharing someone else’s story.

Enjoy The Process — This initiative isn’t a contest, and you won’t be graded on your contribution! Use this year as an opportunity to notice examples of belonging & othering around you. Ask yourself questions like: Who is missing from this conversation? Where might there be barriers that exclude, even unintentionally? Who might have a different experience than mine, and what can I learn from them? Be open to new discoveries along the way that may challenge or surprise you!

Make Belonging a Practice — Just like any exercise, we build our bridge-building muscles through repetition! Over time, intentional choices & decisions become more automatic & natural. If after these pandemic years you’re feeling rusty in the dialogue & diplomacy department, you’re not alone! Check out some helpful tips we’ve compiled for having better conversations across difference: